KBeauty Review: It’s Skin Secret Solution Clear Patch


Heyyy, so I’m finally back with another pimple patch review. We are now at review 4 in my pimple patch series. It’s been a while- I finally finished my last final of my last semester of grad school early today. I still have a 15-page paper to start, but that’s not due till come end of the month, so gurl, I’ll work on that later (like on the night of the deadline).

This review will be on It’s Skin’s Secret Solution Clear Patch. Oooh, so secret secret aren’t we, jk.

I ordered this off of TesterKorea.com for 3,440 KRW (3.08 USD). To be clear this is a 5 sheet pack, each sheet has 12 patches, so these are on the cheaper side. As you can see, they are kept in this super adorable cardboard-like envelope casing ❤

They have directions in English in the back, but I think we all know how pimple patches work by now. They recommend the patch to be stuck on your face for 8-12 hours for optimal results, which is pretty much in line with patches from other brands.

This is how the sheet’s individual packing looks like:

Nothing new from the outside cardboard-like packaging…

I just realized that I forgot to take pictures of the actual patches on the clear sheet(they mostly likely already made it all the way from my garbage bin to the landfills by now)!!!! Ugh, such a fail. School finals always turn me into a mess T_T

But to give you a comparison to work with, it’s so so so similar with Mamonde’s AC Balance Spot Patch.

The sheet of 12 patches run 4.5 in. (height) x 2 in. (width). Like Mamonde, there are 2 sizes to the patches- 6 of them have a diameter of about 0.5 in. and the other 6 with a smaller diameter of 0.25 in.

These patches are on the thin side, so I have been wearing them during the day more as a pimple barrier from the germy city of NYC than as to actually heal my pimples. I have been breaking out like ridiculously lately (no idea why, but I do know I looking like a freaking pepperoni pizza face), so a sheet of 12 patches lasts me like 2-3 days.

Their adhesiveness if on point, so they last the suggested 8-12 hours on your pimples. I do feel like these give a little better of a healing property to my pimples that then the Mamonde and Tony Moly patches (only a little), but still nothing beats the legendary Cosrx’s Master Patch or SkinFood’s trouble Clear Spot Patch.

I give these little ones a 4 out of 5 stars– I definitely see a reducing of swelling and redness of pimples after having a patch on it for a day. Also, they are priced nicely, so if you are looking for a subtle day-time pimple patch to protect and semi-conceal your face pepperonis, theses are the ones to go with!

Author: thecrazyandlazy

Based in New York City, I'm all about snacking, drama-ing, skincare, online shopping, and anything green tea-ed or matcha powdered. Join me on these everyday experiences through my reviews and rants. Follow me on IG for more: @_skincare_nerd

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